Yay its a party! This party is solely dedicated to you and your realistic goals for the year. Lets start this year off with a BANG BANG BANG (in my John Witherspoon voice). We are already 1 week into the New Year and now it is time to get to work….if you haven’t already.
So what is a Vision Board? A Vision Board is a physical poster board or wall with cut outs and words of your visions and goals that you plan to accomplish. The vision board can be for any time range but I like to set mine for 1 year. So I have 1 year to accomplish everything I have posted onto my board. It is important to only post realistic goals on this board and not something that may or may not be obtainable for you. For example, I would not cut out a picture of a president from another country and say that this year I will be president of that country. That is not realistic! Instead, I would cut out a picture of someone organizing their home office, because I aspire to keep my home office organized.
For your Vision Board Party, you can invite over friends and family members and have them do the same thing, or you can have a more intimate party and just invite yourself. Pour a glass of your favorite wine, turn on some smooth jazz, and focus on completing your board.
lets get started
Some things you will need for this party are magazines, scissors, glue, tape, a poster board, and your imagination. I like to include a list on the back of my board explaining the pictures I glued on the front. After I have completed each goal, I will mark it off on the back.
Jot down some ideas of what you think your board should look like before you glue or tape anything onto it. What words or phrases do you think fits well with your journey? What images aligns best with your goals? What will your poster composition look like?
Vision Boards are one of the best ways to get your goals down on “paper” and into fruition. Its like manifesting the things that you want and putting it out into the universal. Of course, you have to put some work into it. Things will not just jump into your lap because you cut out a few pictures and glued them to a board. In order for you to reach these goals, you will need to get your hands dirty, be a little uncomfortable, and put yourself out there. Make it clear on what you want and set your mind to getting it done.
Opportunity comes to those that make it. Lets be real, none of us comes from a silver spoon and no one is going to just hand money or opportunities to us…we must make them ourselves. This is where your Vision Board comes in to play. The opportunity you desire needs to be planned out and the board is your brainstorming mat. Where do you see yourself in 1 year? What is something that you have always wanted to do but thought you didn’t have time to do? Maybe those things can go onto your Vision Board.
Let this year be the beginning of many great years for you! With your Vision Board, you will be clear headed and focused; ready to take on whatever comes your way. I have faith that this year will be awesome…you know why? Because I am speaking it into existence. Mind over matter! That’s all it is. What you put on your mind to do, you can accomplish. So lets put all of that mind power into those goals of yours.
Last bit I promise! It is important to keep your Vision Board in plain sight. You need to see it! Place it in a place that you go to daily. For me, that place is my home office. I do almost everything out of my home office and that is the very best place for me to see my Vision Board everyday. Its a constant reminder of the things I want to accomplish for that year.
So are you ready? Enough talking, lets get to work!