I started off the year like I do every year. Focused mind, goal oriented, vision board complete, and with positive vibes. Mid way through the year (and well after all of this COVID madness), I began to feel something different brewing within me. Not really knowing what it was, I continued life as usual. Then the other day, I turned on a docuseries about cooking and it really hit home.This docuseries was displaying more than just a chef showing me how to whip up “the perfect meal,” but it went ... Read More about Who Am I?
Coining It Interview with Anetra from Merit Credit Solutions
I have been talking a lot about generational wealth, financial freedom, and just knowledge in one's finances overall! So I was super pleased to interview Anetra Smalls from Merit Credit Solutions about those very topics. I am a firm believer in helping people out especially when it is something that can really benefit them. So without further due, lets dive right into the interview!About Anetra | While many people strive to acquire more money and material things, she’s focused on creating ... Read More about Coining It Interview with Anetra from Merit Credit Solutions
Steps to Obtain Generational Wealth
You've heard it time and time again...GENERATIONAL WEALTH! The act of being financially responsible and storing away assets and money for your family and the generations to come. Real estate is the key to that wealth! If you look at it, everyone needs somewhere to live, work, have functions, etc. Real estate is one business venture I recommend everyone to get into because it is never going away. Break the cycle. One way to break the cycle in your family is to introduce them to Generational ... Read More about Steps to Obtain Generational Wealth
Coining It Interview with ShaRhonda from Vintage IIXIXV
Super excited about this interview. Introducing my good friend ShaRhonda from Vintage IIXIXV clothing line! I had the opportunity to interview ShaRhonda about her new clothing line which is available online now! ShaRhonda dishes out what it took to make her successful at being a clothing designer and things an aspiring designer should do if they too want to begin their line.If you or someone you know has thought about becoming a designer you should definitely check out this interview. About ... Read More about Coining It Interview with ShaRhonda from Vintage IIXIXV
Vision Board Party
Yay its a party! This party is solely dedicated to you and your realistic goals for the year. Lets start this year off with a BANG BANG BANG (in my John Witherspoon voice). We are already 1 week into the New Year and now it is time to get to work....if you haven't already. So what is a Vision Board? A Vision Board is a physical poster board or wall with cut outs and words of your visions and goals that you plan to accomplish. The vision board can be for any time range but I like to set mine for ... Read More about Vision Board Party